
Pod xt live patches free
Pod xt live patches free

Use “Combo Poweramp” output mode to turn off mic/AIR sims.XTL Tweaks: (Most of this comes from Scott P).

pod xt live patches free

I've divided it into five sections: tweaks on the PodXT Live unit itself, amplifiers that have worked particularly well, specific pedals people have used with the XTL, tips on creating tones, and finally links to various tone bundles. If you feel you've been left out, let me know and I'll credit you properly. It's long, and where I've copied and pasted longer sections, I've tried to give proper credit. Here's the condensed wisdom from that link. Not sure if it can be considered a tip, but don't sell out the unit for a few things you don't like when you can just turn them off and let the boutique guys fill in. Mr Wampler and Mr Skreddy took care of those problems for me. The only thing i liked in the POD was the proco rat model (and still use). The other short coming (or what I consider short comings) I had to deal with were the OD/Distortion/fuzz. To My ear the Plexi stuff is so much better, the bassman amp model is alot better along with others. The Valve Junior gave the POD life it just never had before. i've had this stuff for about 3 years and i wasn't completely thrilled with it until I was able to a/b back and forth from PA to Valve Junior. I've got a mxr 10 band and it was a huge improvement (more so for the variax though I think).Īnd the biggest bit of subjectiveness I think is what you plug into. The other comment that was made about EQ'ing is also a good one. I find alot of stuff by accident while trying to do something else or just messing around.

pod xt live patches free

The other day I was playing a bit of Tom Petty stuff (rickenbacker360/AC30) and kicked on my SuperPlextortion and ended up with the closest Back in Black cover tone i've ever gotten. I'm also using a Variax 700 and have a pretty large palette to draw from. But like morphine said there is some interesting tones to be found with odd mismatches. It's all pretty subjective, but the better you know the unit the better the results. It is pretty difficult to say what's the best course of action.

Pod xt live patches free